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Délire actuel, 2011-09-20


Réécoutez (streaming ou téléchargement) la dernière édition de Délire actuel ICI (cherchez Délire actuel dans la liste).
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Édition du 20 septembre 2011
Broadcast of September 20, 2011

Trois doublés / Braxton 2011, 2e chapitre: 1re heure: Trois artistes, deux parutions récentes chacun: James Falzone, Aran Shelton et Veryan Weston. 2e heure: Quelques nouveautés du côté d’Anthony Braxton, dont une compilation et l’opéra Trillium E.
Three Double Features / Braxton 2011, Chapter 2: 1st hour: Three artists, two recent releases each: James Falzone, Aram Shelton, and Veryan Weston. 2nd hour: Recent releases from Anthony Braxton’s New Braxton House, including a best-of and his opera Trillium E.

*KLANG / Breakfast Feud (2:44) + The 4:08 (3:36) - Other Doors (Allos Documents)
*JAMES FALZONE’S ALLOS MUSICA / The Seventh Lament: Forward (5:38) - Lamentations (Allos Documents)

VERYAN WESTON / Tessellations I: scales 22-27 (8:12) - Different Tessellations (Emanem)
VERYAN WESTON / Tessellations II: First Interlude (3:24) - Different Tessellations (Emanem)
TREVOR WATTS & VERYAN WESTON / Exchanged Frequencies (12:26) - 5 More Dialogues (Emanem)

CYLINDER / The Deep Disciplines (4:02) - Cylinder (Clean Feed)
ARRIVE / Lost (extrait/excerpt: 5:30) - “This Was…” (Clean Feed)

ANTHONY BRAXTON / Act 3, Part 2 (26:33) - Trillium E (New Braxton House)

ANTHONY BRAXTON QUARTET / Composition No. 23B (8:20) - Composition, Improvisation, Synthesis (New Braxton House)
ANTHONY BRAXTON & MAX ROACH / Improvisation (5:50) - Composition, Improvisation, Synthesis (New Braxton House)

ANTHONY BRAXTON / Composition No. 19 (For 100 Tubas), Pt. 1 (extrait/excerpt: 7:00) - Composition No. 19 (For 100 Tubas) (New Braxton House)

Merci à/thanks to:


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