Réécoutez (streaming ou téléchargement) la dernière édition de Délire musical ICI (cherchez Délire Musical dans la liste).
You can listen (stream or download) to the latest Délire musical broadcast HERE (look for Délire Musical on the list of shows).
Édition du 23 août 2011 (rediffusion le 29 août)
Broadcast Date: 23 août 2011 (rebroadcasted on August 29)
Thème/Theme: ELECTRIC BIRD NOISE / Country Morning Wake Up Call - The Silber Sessions (Silber Records)
ESMERINE / A Dog River (3:31) - La Lechuza (Constellation)
STRINGS OF CONSCIOUSNESS / Forest of Spades (4:01) - Fantomastique Acoustica (PIAS Digital)
DAVID BEDFORD / The Phaeacian Games (3:44) - The Odyssey Live (Gonzo Multimedia)
YES / Fly From Here Pt. 1: We Can Fly (6:00) - Fly from Here (Frontiers Records)
JON ANDERSON / Understanding Truth (2:24) - Survival and Other Stories (Gonzo Multimedia)
*LITTLEBOW / It's Too Steep to Climb (For a Really Cheap Horse) (3:02) - The Edge Blown Aerophone (Second Language)
UMPHREY’S MCGEE / Bridgeless (5:13) - Hall of Fame: Class of 2010 (Hanging Brains)
ANEKDOTEN / Seljak (5:07) - Gravity (Stickman Records)
ZU / Erineys (3:43) - Carboniferous (Ipecac)
ZU / Erineys (3:43) - Carboniferous (Ipecac)
ANDRÉ DUCHESNE / Avril-mai (extrait/excerpt: 3:00) - Locomotive (Ambiances Magnétiques)
Merci à/thanks to:
rien pour ce soir!
nothing tonight!
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