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Édition du 24 mai 2011
Broadcast of May 24, 2011
Retour sur le FIMAV 2011 / Dixon et Braxton: Première heure: Les bons coups et les déceptions du FIMAV 2011. Deuxième heure: Des nouveautés de Bill Dixon (au FIMAV l’an dernier) et d’Anthony Braxton (au FIMAV cette année).
FIMAV 2011 Round-Up / Dixon and Braxton: 1st hour: The highs and lows of FIMAV 2011. 2nd hour: New releases from Bill Dixon (who was at FIMAV last year) and Anthony Braxton (who was at FIMAV this year).
THE EX / 24 Problems (7:06) - Catch My Shoe (Ex Records)
THE EX GUITARS MEETS NILSSEN-LOVE/VANDERMARK DUO / Lean Over (4:34) - Lean Left (Smalltown Superjazz)
PETER BRÖTZMANN / Nr. 7 (4:46) - 14 Love Poems Plus 10 More (FMP)
RICHARD PINHAS & MERZBOW / Rhizome Encore-0110101011 (11:18) - Rhizome (Cuneiform)
HENRY COW + ROBERT WYATT / Little Red Riding Hood Hits the Road (5:50) - Concerts (ReR Megacorp)
THE RATCHET ORCHESTRA / Wish (extrait/excerpt: 5:00) - Bundled (ind.)
BILL DIXON / Section I (24:31) - Envoi (Les Disques Victo)
ANTHONY BRAXTON / Act 1 (extrait/excerpt: 8:16) - Trillium R: Shala Fears for the Poor - Composition No. 162 (New Braxton House)
ANTHONY BRAXTON / Comp. No. 219 + No. 221 + (Lang-Music) for three shifting orchestras and six soloists Part 2 (extrait/excerpt: 4:20) - Three Orchestras (GTM) 1998 (New Braxton House)
ANTHONY BRAXTON / Comp. No. 349 (extrait/excerpt: 6:30) - Sextet (Boston) 2005 (New Braxton House)
ANTHONY BRAXTON / Comp. No. 191C (extrait/excerpt: 4:00) - Solo (Skopje) 1995 (New Braxton House)
L’album Bundled est disponible gratuitement sur cdBaby.com.
The album Bundled is available for free on cdBaby.com.
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