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You can listen (stream or download) to the latest Délire Actuel broadcast HERE (look for Délire Actuel on the list of shows).
Édition du 28 février 2012
Broadcast of February 28, 2012
eh? records / Coffret Bill Dixon: 1re heure: La micro-étiquette CDr eh? records documente une scène expérimentale under-underground. Quelques nouveautés. 2e heure: Tout Dixon chez Soul Note en un coffret pas cher.
eh? records / Bill Dixon box set: 1st hour: CDr micro-label eh? records chronicles the experimental under-underground. A handful of recent releases. 2nd hour: All of Dixon’s records for Soul Note in one convenient (and cheap!) box set.
(8:00 pm) | | | | |
PSYCHOTIC QUARTET | Quantum Entanglement | Sphaleron | 09:04 | |
KBD(UO) | [5] | Any Port in a Storm | 08:45 | |
HAG | Moist Areas (extrait/excerpt) | Moist Areas | 04:54 | |
(8:30 pm) | | | | |
ELOINE | Bracket Migration | Simpler Machines | 11:02 | |
CHEFKIRK | Quiet Parts of In-Between | We Must Leave the Warren | 12:16 | |
| | | | |
(9:00 pm) | | | | |
BILL DIXON | Summer Song: I. Morning | The Complete Remastered Recordings on Black Saint & Soul Note | 04:11 | |
BILL DIXON | November 1981 | The Complete Remastered Recordings on Black Saint & Soul Note | 10:44 | |
BILL DIXON | Brothers | The Complete Remastered Recordings on Black Saint & Soul Note | 07:44 | |
(9:30 pm) | | | | |
BILL DIXON | Negoro Codex | The Complete Remastered Recordings on Black Saint & Soul Note | 04:30 | |
BILL DIXON | Anamorphosis | The Complete Remastered Recordings on Black Saint & Soul Note | 12:25 | |
BILL DIXON | The Statesman | The Complete Remastered Recordings on Black Saint & Soul Note | 09:12 |
Prestation en concert, vidéo amateure.
Live performance, amateur video.
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