Réécoutez (streaming ou téléchargement) la dernière édition de Délire musical ICI (cherchez Délire Musical dans la liste).
You can listen (stream or download) to the latest Délire musical broadcast HERE (look for Délire Musical on the list of shows).
Édition du 4 janvier 2011 (rediffusion le 10 janvier)
Broadcast Date: Jan. 4, 2011 (rebroadcasted on Jan. 10)
Thème/Theme: GUAPO / Twisted Stems: The Selenotrope - Elixirs (Neurot)
*TEHO TEARDO / Che Cosa Ricordare Di Lei? (4:58) - Soundtrack Work 2004-2008 (Expanding Records)
*TEHO TEARDO / Che Cosa Ricordare Di Lei? (4:58) - Soundtrack Work 2004-2008 (Expanding Records)
AARON MARTIN / Reed Tunnel (3:13) - Worried About the Fire (Experimedia)
JEAN LAPOUGE & CHRISTIAN PABŒUF / Delta (5:48) - Atlas (Great Winds)
DAEVID ALLEN’S UNIVERSITY OF ERRORS / One Mother of Pearl (5:59) - 2 (Innerspace)
CAN / I’m So Green (3:03) - Ege Bamyasi (Mute/Spoon)
PARLIAMENT / Whatever Makes Baby Feel Good (5:57) - Up for the Down Stroke (Casablanca)
FRENCH TV / Seven Rusty Nails (6:57) - I Forgive You for All My Unhappiness (Pretentious Dinosaur)
NEVÄRLLÄJF / Flourtantskosmos (5:27) - Klusterfloristen (Musea Parallele)
**BERNARD GÉRARD / Le Crocodile porte clé (2:15) - Mindexpanders, Vol. 3 (Past & Present)
SPIKE JONES / Holiday for Strings (3:11) - Strictly for Music Lovers (Proper Records)
Un court métrage hilarant pour un autre grand classique du cirque sonore qu’était Spike Jones: “Cocktails for Two”.
A laugh riot of a short film for another great Spike Jones classic and audio circus: “Cocktails for Two”.
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