
2010-07-13: William Parker, Lewis/Downing/Martin, The Element Choir, Merzbow

Journal d'écoute / Listening Diary


WILLIAM PARKER / At Somewhere There (Barnyard Records)

Un concert solo enregistré en juillet 2008, à Toronto (au Somewhere There, incidemment). Une très belle prestation constituée d’une improvisation libre lumineuse de 48 minutes, typique d’un William Parker en pleine forme. Puis, une courte pièce plus jazz, avec mélodie, dédiée à Don Cherry. Et enfin une courte pièce à la flûte en guise de final. De la classe. Et un enregistrement simple mais efficace.

A solo concert recorded in July 2008 in Toronto (at Somewhere There, incidentally). A very fine performance consisting of a luminous 48-minute free improvisation - typical top-shape William Parker. Then, a short jazzier piece, with melody, dedicated to Don Cherry. And finally a short piece on flute. Classy. And a simple yet efficient recording.

JIM LEWIS - ANDREW DOWNING - JEAN MARTIN / On a Short Path from Memory to Forgotten (Barnyard Records)

Un trio d’avant-jazz trompette-contrebasse-batterie. Très vif, la musique bondit au visage, elle brille, elle tourne. Pourtant ce n’est pas dansant! Tout de même, “Groove” en a justement un, et “Fourteen”, à travers ses contorsions, esquisse quelque chose d’entraînant. De l’impro soutenue et parfois mordante, livrée à petites et moyennes doses (entre 2 et 10 minutes la portion). Très bon.

An avant-jazz trumpet/bass/drums trio. Very lively, the music leaps at you, shining and turning. Yet it’s not music to dance to. Still, “Groove” has a good one (groove), and the contorsions in “Fourteen” do sketch out something that could sweep you off your feet. Consistent improvisation, occasionally showing its teeth, delivered in small-to-medium doses (2 to 10 minutes per portion). Very good.

THE ELEMENT CHOIR / At Rosedale United (Barnyard Records)

Splendide et génial, rien de moins! Un quintette d’improvisateurs dans une église, c’est déjà bien. Quand Christine Duncan (voix) et Jean Martin (batterie) de Barnyard Drama en sont, c’est dèjà mieux. Quant Jesse Zubot (violoniste de Fond of Tigers et Tanya Tagaq) en est aussi, c’est encore mieux. Quand on ajoute le trompettiste Jim Lewis et, surtout, Eric Robertson à l’orgue Casavant de l’église, ça devient vraiment spécial. Bon. Prêt pour la cerise? Ajoutez à cela que Duncan dirige une chorale d’improvisation de 51 voix! Deux sessions sont chroniquées sur ce disque. Chacune s’ouvre par un court introït en quintette, suivi de trois longs mouvements avec chorale, une chorale qui répond au doigt et à l’œil aux indications de Duncan. C’est plus que beau, c’est majestueux, grandiose, éminemment touchant. Un peu plus, je retournerais à l’église. Très chaudement recommandé aux amateurs d’impro, de voix ou de musique qui fait vibrer le tréfond. [Ci-dessous: Un extrait de “Cloud Hands”.]

Splendid and genius, nothing less! Starting with a quintet of improvisers in a church setting is nice. When Christine Duncan (voice) and Jean Martin (drums) of Barnyard Drama are a part of it, it’s already better. When Jesse Zubot (violonist in Fond of Tigers and for Tanya Tagaq) is in too, it’s even better. Add in trumpeter Jim Lewis and, most of all, Eric Robertson on the church’s Casavant pipe organ, and you get something truly special. But are you ready for what REALLY sets At Rosedale United apart? A 51-piece improvising choir! This CD documents two sessions. Each opens with a short quintet introduction, followed by three long movements with choir, a choir that answers beck and call to Duncan’s directions. It’s more than beautiful, it’s majestic, grand, and utterly moving. A little more of that and I might just start going to church again, Very strongly recommended to fans of free improvisation, vocal music, or simply music that will move you to the core. [Below: An excerpt from “Cloud Hands.”]


MERZBOW / Uzura: 13 Japanese Birds Pt. 5 (Important Records)

Quel contraste! Balancée par la fenêtre, la subtilité qui marquait Karasu (le 4e volume de cette série)! Uzura est une charge brutale sous forme d’une pièce en trois parties, qui commence brutalement, sans aucune mise en place, une coupure franche en plein dans l’action. Et cette action se résume à Merzbow jouant à la pieuvre sur la batterie, à quoi s’ajoute ensuite une couche dense et insistante d’électroniques bruitistes. C’est le Merzbow essouflant plus que captivant, nihiliste plus que zen. Certainement pas mon favori de la série.

What a contrast! Out goes the subtleties found on Karasu (Volume 4 in this series). Uzura is a brutal assault in the guise of a single three-part piece that kicks off suddenly - no setting-up, just a clean edit straight into the action. And that action is summed up by Merzbow doing his octopus act on the drum kit, with a thick and unrelenting layer of noise electronics layered over that afterwords. This side of Merzbow is more exhausting than captivating, more nihilistic than Zen. Definitely not my favourite in the series.


  1. The Element Choir / At Rosedale United" is an exceptional musical experience that combines the talents of Christine Duncan, Jean Martin, Jesse Zubot, Jim Lewis, and Eric Robertson in a captivating performance at a church. The presence of these improvisational artists alone would make it noteworthy, but with the addition of a 51-voice improvisational choir conducted by Duncan, it becomes truly extraordinary. The album showcases two sessions, each featuring a quintet introduction followed by three expansive movements with the choir. The choir, in perfect synchrony with Duncan's guidance, responds to her cues with their fingers and eyes. The result is not only beautiful but also majestic, grandiose, and profoundly moving. It's the kind of music that transports you, evoking a sense of awe and reverence. Listening to this album feels like being immersed in a sacred space. Have you ever delved into the fascinating world of Minecraft? It's an extraordinary game that allows you to unleash your creativity and embark on incredible adventures. From building magnificent structures to exploring vast landscapes, Minecraft offers an immersive experience like no other. The Java Edition, available as an APK, provides even more opportunities for customization and modding, allowing you to shape the game according to your preferences. Whether you want to create your dream city, conquer treacherous dungeons, or collaborate with friends on ambitious projects, Minecraft apk java edition provides endless hours of entertainment and a chance to unleash your imagination. Join the vibrant community of Minecraft players and let your creativity soar!

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